
Donations to the New York City Community Chorus

Our chorus is founded on the principle that everyone should have a place to sing, regardless of their talent or their ability to pay. Our members contribute voluntarily as they are able. Concerts are also free by donation. No one is ever turned away because of lack of funds. 

Won’t you join our “angels” and the many wonderful private foundations and government agencies that contribute to our exciting experiment in healing the community through singing?

Donations by Paypal

You can also conveniently contribute via PayPal and credit card. Please specify “friends and family” for your donation via PayPal.

Donations by Venmo

The Chorus is now accepting Donations by Venmo. Our Venmo account is: @nyccommunitychorus

Or, donate by scanning the QR code below.

Donations by Mail

To contribute, you can make a tax-deductible check to the “New York City Community Chorus” and send it to the address below. 

New York City Community Chorus
35 West 8th Street, Suite 3R
New York, NY 10011

Please make donations payable to: New York City Community Chorus


There are tax advantages for donors who make gifts using appreciated stocks.  The New York City Community Chorus has a Vanguard Brokerage account and can now accept stocks as a method of generous giving. Please contact Director of Development & Operations Sean Manucha at for more details.


Leave your own musical legacy with a gift to the chorus in your will.

There are many ways to do this, depending on your individual circumstances and advisors’ recommendations. You can specify a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. Other types of bequests include gifts of property, or gifts for particular purposes, for example, a gift that could only be used for paying soloists, or for other purposes that are important to you. 

We have given an example here, although it is not intended as tax or legal advice. We recommend that you consult professional advisors when considering charitable bequests.

Cash Bequest
To New York City Community Chorus, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, presently located at 35 West 8th Street, Suite 3R, New York, NY 10011, I give (the sum of ______ dollars) or (___ percent of the rest, residue or remainder of my estate), to be used for its general purposes.

Memorial Gifts

If you would like to remember someone who sang in the chorus, or someone who loved the chorus during his or her lifetime, you can make a gift in that person’s memory. It is a loving remembrance. 

You will receive a receipt for your donation. If you request, we also will write to family members or friends, telling them that you have made a thoughtful gift to the New York City Community Chorus in memory of their loved one. (Unless you request otherwise, the amount of your contribution will be confidential.)

In-Kind Gifts

Please consider whether you have property that you would be willing to donate that the chorus needs or skills it could use. If you are not sure what the chorus needs or could use, send us an inquiry and we’ll let you know.

Some of our foundation and government donors:

  • New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
  • New York City Council Member Erik Bottcher
  • Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
  • NYU Community Fund
  • West Side Community Fund
  • Florence Gould Foundation 
  • New York State Dept. of Parks and Recreation and Historic Preservation 
  • Sparkplug Foundation 
  • Yip Harburg Foundation 
  •  Nederland America Foundation 
  • Meet the Composer Fund